Our loyalty program is designed to help you save on your home décor and gifts purchases. Earn 2 points for every $1 you spend, and get exclusive discounts and codes as well as early access to new pieces before they are live on the site. Plus, you’ll receive monthly newsletters filled with the latest happenings at JA Paints 307, LLC., chances to win giveaways and members-only discounts. And the best part? Join today for free and get 150 free points!​​

JA Loyalty
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250 puntos
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2 puntos por cada USDÂ 1 gastados
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150 puntos
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$10 off all products
125 puntos = Descuento de USDÂ 10 en pedidos superiores a USDÂ 50
20% off your order
250 puntos = 20% de descuento pedidos superiores a USDÂ 75
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1,000 puntos = EnvÃo gratuito en todos los Ãtems